The Ward 3 - Wilson Feeder Education Network (W3EdNet) is made up of PTO, HSA, LSAT, and other interested community members from schools in the Wilson High School feeder pattern. The W3EdNet seeks to build ties among their school communities, share information among school leaders, and promote a better public school system for all Washingtonians. We hope to serve all students and their families either at the feeder schools or in their boundaries, in close collaboration with other education organizations around the city.
2020 - 2021 W3EdNet Board
Brian Doyle (Hearst ES, Deal MS)
Melody Molinoff (Deal MS, Wilson HS)
Karin Perkins (Wilson HS)
Budget Committee
Keri Sikich (Hearst ES)
External Communications
Testimony Coordinator
Emily Mechner (Oyster-Adams)
Abi Paulsen (Mann ES, Wilson HS)